Thursday, 16 May 2019

That Chrome Finish Will Never Tarnish or Corrode

All central heating radiators used to fall into two types. The old Victorian dark cast iron, and the later generation of white painted steel panel type.

But in recent years there has been a bit of a revolution in radiator material and significant design changes. Most of us take radiators for granted without realising the assortment of offerings today.

That's hardly surprising, as it would have to be a very dull day to find yourself looking them up on the internet, unless seriously thinking about buying some. But taking a look anyway, is enough to trigger the notion of changing your old ones.

There are one or two strong themes in these new designs. The slim, tall varieties seem popular. As does an anthracite or yet black shiny finish. Brushed steel makes for a soft tactile surface, and polished chrome looks great in bathrooms.

When chrome radiators are mentioned, like any other object described the same way, it's never solid chrome but simply an electroplating of chromite over a steel base. But the effect can be stunning.

Chromite is used in the manufacture of steel as it helps make it even tougher and gives an extra shine. When pure chromite is plated onto another metal it creates a beautiful polished finish that is highly prized by many lovers of large motorbikes.

But it is a dangerous material to electroplate and should only be attempted by professionals. The nuggets dug from the ground are superb sparkling ones, that have a sheen like gold, although sadly, not the same value.

As the third hardest element after carbon in the form of diamonds, and boron, it doesn't tarnish or corrode. This is the reason it is so ideal for bathroom radiators where condensation may be all around at times.

It's possible to have a bit of fun buying new radiators and the next time a home makeover beckons, consider changing all the old seventies panel radiators. And buying some different modern radiators, unique to each room in the home.

The Joy of a Full Home Refurbishment from Scratch to Finish

There is at least one regular and popular program on television that follows the buying at auction of a property, and then returning when it has been refurbished.

In other words, it's to see how much added value can be made. The more run down and shabby the property, the greater the challenge.

In most cases, the largest part of the improvement budget is spent on a new bathroom and new kitchen. These are usually key points when reselling a property. Another major expense is a new central heating system.

In recent years radiators have become an important part of a room's décor. They do not have to be those regulation oblong panels, you only have to look online at a radiator suppliers' website to see the difference.

When planning a total refurbishment of a property, it's really a pleasure to strip it down to bare walls. And then with a piece of paper, pencil and tape measure, drawing the dimensions of each individual room.

Using your imagination, thinking about the fixtures and fittings along with coordinated wall covering, the number of radiators and their exact placement, helps bring the picture to life. At this point, many people like to work out exactly, the goods and materials needed.

All can be bought online, it's easy to buy radiators online along with the new boiler and all the necessary fixtures and fittings. Don't forget that when you buy radiators, the valves are bought separately.

This is because the positioning of the radiator will dictate the exact type of configuration of valves, thermostats, elbow or straight pipes. This may be a little confusing for the general DIY type, and it's advisable to get a professional central heating firm to help order everything and fit it all.

From bare walls to finished property, these part-time television property enthusiasts can spend ten thousand or a hundred and ten thousand pounds. Much will depend upon the going rate for similar properties in the area.

But the financial rewards and the satisfaction of a job done well is clearly an enjoyable one.

For ways to buy radiators online

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

How to Redesign Your Living Room into an Oasis of Peace

There is nothing better than coming home after a stressful day for the warm welcome of a peaceful home. For many of us though, this isn't always possible. First, there might be screaming children, but second, and probably more importantly, the house just isn't up to scratch.

Well, we can't help you with screaming children, but what we can help you with is your interior design. In this article, we are going to explore some top tips to help you Redesign the living room and create an oasis of peace.

Get rid of clutter

Clutter is like fear. It is the mind killer. If you live in clutter, you're thinking we'll feel cluttered. It's just an expression of the human condition that if you want to be calm, you need a calm environment and that means getting rid of clutter and freeing up as much space as possible.

There are plenty of things that you can do here to get rid of clutter. First of all, look around the room and work out which pieces of furniture and items of decor you really need to keep. Being ruthless and get rid of the stuff that just isn't serving its purpose anymore.

An easy way to reduce one of the largest items in your room is to swap your radiators out for underfloor heating. An underfloor heating kit is relatively cheap and easy to install, especially if you go for one of the electric kits. It's a great way to reduce the clutter without having to get rid of things that might have sentimental value. People are generally attached to their radiators!

Choose Warm Colour Schemes

One thing that we often see people get wrong is choosing a cold colour scheme. This will make the room feel more alienating, rather than welcoming.

Many people don't realise that colours come in different warmth, ranging from cold to hot. To make a warm space that feels welcoming, warm colours. For example, white can be either cold or warm and the best white colour to choose for your living room is a warm white.  All colours have warm and cold hues so make sure you pick the correct one.

Make Sure It's Adequately Heated

A room that feels cold by way of temperature will also feel cold by way of sentiment. Whether you opted to keep your radiator or invest in an underfloor heating kit, you must ensure that it provides you with enough heat to keep the room warm. This means paying attention to heat output first and then thinking about style after.

Use Nature

Maybe because we come from nature, but nature has an effect on our moods.  There is nothing better for the soul and taking a walk in nature and what you can't bring the outside inside properly, you can definitely hint at it by choosing to buy pot plants and flowers on a regular basis. It just brings that feeling of nature into the home and helps you feel at peace. Peace lilies are especially good here - it's all in the name.

I hope that you have found this article useful. These tips will help you to create the Oasis of your dreams.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Take Your Interior Design to the Next Level with These 4 Amazing Tips

If you are looking to make the most out of your interior design, then you have to read this article. Here, I explore four fantastic tips that can help to take your interior design to that next level. 

If you want to create a space that is comfortable and beautiful, then you need these tips.

Tip 1: Get Inspired

Some people are reluctant to look for inspiration when it comes to design because they feel it takes away from their individuality. This is bonkers. Whatever style you find inspiration in, you can mix it up so that it reflects part of your personality.

There are plenty of places to get inspiration, but one place that's often overlooked is ancient architecture. People spent a lot more time decorating important buildings in the past than they do now and for this reason, there are many styles that have an exceptional and innate beauty that people just don't know about.

If you're looking for inspiration, then take a look at some of the old styles of decoration from around the world and see if there's anything that piques your interest. 

You don't have to stick to it blindly, but draw ideas from it and then create your own look.

For example, you'll find that many ancient buildings use bespoke radiators. You can commission these radiators for your own home with a modern twist. 

It's things like this that will help you think out of the box and help you take it to the next level.

Tip 2:  Don't be afraid of the dark

A very popular option nowadays is to paint rooms white and use it as a backdrop for the rest of your furniture and decor. 

White is a very easy colour to use because it is a classic collar and never goes out of fashion.  It also matches every other colour.

However, this makes people reluctant to experiment with other colours and if you avoid dark colours, you might be missing a trick. They can work fantastically well for interior design, especially when used on an accent wall.

Don't be afraid of colour if you want to take your interior design to the next stage.

Tip 3: Get Collecting

When you're out and about, say visiting one of our beautiful market towns, you'll come across antique shops and art galleries. Take a wander in and see if anything catches your eye. 

Developing an interesting collection of art and antiques will give you a broad range of accessories to play within your interior design. Many of these artworks and antiques are unique and they will help to set your space apart from the rest.

It isn't just art and antiques that you can find though; you'll be able to find things such as bespoke radiators, unusual furniture, and interesting rugs and runners. All of these can help to massively transform your space.

Tip 4: Splurge on One Key Item per Room

Every room needs a focal point to take it to the next level and this often means spending a little more than perhaps you would like. 

However, having a focal point in the room that is interesting and captivating is one of the best things that you can do for your interior design.

I hope that you have found this article useful and informative. Following the advice above can really help take your design to the next level and create a space that is welcoming and beautiful all at once.