Thursday, 20 June 2019

These Are an Essential Part of Any Home Refurbishment

An acquaintance has almost by accident, become a successful property developer. It can be a dangerous business and around thirty years ago, I seem to remember many crashed.

But if you remember to start small and never overreach, or put all your eggs in one basket, it can still be very rewarding.

There are a couple of daytime TV shows following the fortunes of people that buy old properties at auction and do them up for rental or resale. The most successful are the ones that have a clear plan from the beginning of which way they are going.

For resale, the area and local values dictates the type of work that should be carried out. If it's a low value area with cheap properties, then just a simple makeover may be good enough.

But if the property is in a desirable area, a great deal of high quality work and finish should be achieved.

In these cases, great emphasis is often put into a luxury kitchen/diner and bathrooms. And my acquaintance, has also identified the need for quality plumbing and central heating.

He certainly doesn't cut corners when it comes to the radiators. Whether designer vertical radiators or ones that double up as mirrors, each room will have a special unique one.

Designer radiators have become an essential component of helping create a luxury property. For older people, like me, this is a revelation.

In decades gone by, no thought was put into radiator design as there simply wasn't any. If you didn't like those Victorian cast iron or flat panel steel, then tough; there wasn't anything else.

Nowadays, it really is a pleasure to look at all these new radiator designs and have some fun picking individual ones for every room in the home.

Next time my house is to be refurbished, the old spluttering boiler will be chucked out along with the noisy radiators. The pipes that run along the top of skirting boards, will also go.

New systems, fitted well, have very little pipework on display. This accentuates the attractiveness of the radiators.

Don’t Forget Radiators When Redecorating Your Home

When you are updating your home, you should not think as radiators as an afterthought. They are a key player in anybody’s home nowadays. You should see them as items that enhance your home rather than hide them behind covers or a sofa.

When it is about Modern Radiators a little forward planning can ultimately save you money. Once the bare bones of the room have been finished off it is time to have a look at what you’ve got in the way of furniture.

You can then choose a heater that goes with all you have got and make it a piece that complements your interior design.

You will soon find out that manufacturers are becoming increasingly inventive as far as design and colour is concerned. Of course, their primary duty is to keep you warm and you need to find out which suits your home and heating requirements best.

If you should research now whilst the months are getting hotter, you may find that there are some good bargains to be had. It is also better to have your heating work done in the summer months as you won’t need it to keep warm.

All plumbers will tell you that you need to work out how many BTUs you will need for every room and then search for radiators that match your requirements. If you are in any doubt at all, please ask your plumber to work it out for you so you buy the right sized radiators.

It all depends on the metal that your heater is made of as to what size you need. If you should choose aluminium you may find that your radiator doesn’t have to be as large as any other model.

Nowadays if you don’t like the look of radiators, not even the modern ones, you could opt for skirting radiators that do not look obtrusive and they are space saving too.

At the end of the day you will choose a radiator that matches the style of your home, whether it is Victorian or modern.

If you are looking for Modern Radiators please visit

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

What Are the Benefits of Underfloor Heating?

Underfloor heating seems to be all the rage nowadays. Is it warranted? This is what we are going to explore during the course of this article. We are going to look at the benefits that you will get from using underfloor heating. It isn't suitable for every property, but if it's suitable for your property, it's one of the best things that you can do in terms of your central heating.

Benefit 1: Better Heat Distribution When Compared with Radiators

The best thing about underfloor heating is that it offers great heat distribution. This means that it warms your room evenly. With radiators, the part of the room with the radiator tends to be hotter than the part of the room without the radiator. You'll end up with colder patches in the room. 

This doesn't happen with underfloor heating as the heat distribution is much more even and it warms the room from the bottom to the top, giving it a much more comprehensive coverage.

Benefit 2: It Feels Amazing On Your Feet

Have you ever walked on underfloor heating? It is delightful. It is like getting a mini massage on your feet. If you're somebody like me, who suffers from Raynaud's syndrome, underfloor heating is just about the best thing you can do for your condition. It feels amazing. I'm sure it feels great for people that don't have Raynaud's too!

Oh, and there's nothing more luxurious than lying on your rug on your underfloor heating.  I have a big fluffy rug that looks a bit like a polar bear or fluffy sheep.  Lying on the rug that is like lying on a warm fluffy cloud. Seriously, nothing beats it on a cold winter's day. I love it!

Benefit 3: It's Cheaper Than Central Heating and Electric Radiators

Wet underfloor heating is cheaper than central heating and electric radiators. The underfloor heating mats, which use electricity, are more expensive to run than central heating, but cheaper than electric radiators. However, the wet underfloor heating systems for the cheapest of all four options.

Because underfloor heating offers much better heat distribution, you don't need to use as much energy to keep your house warm. It is a fantastic invention made even better by the fact that it helps you to save money.

Benefit 4: It's Easy to Install

The wet underfloor heating systems tend to require a heating specialist to install them properly. But, the underfloor heating mats can be installed by anyone with just a decent amount of DIY knowledge. As long as you have a modicum of DIY knowledge and you know how to pick up your floor, all you need to do a slide the mats underneath and plug them into your electric system.

Benefit 5: It Makes Your House More Attractive to Buyers

If you want to sell your house at any point, the fact that it has underfloor heating will often be a selling point in the same respect that a nice new bathroom in the good selling point.

I hope that you now have a good understanding of why underfloor heating has become so popular and why it is a great addition to any household.

Friday, 14 June 2019

How to Get the Most Out of Your Home Heating

Are you feeling worried about the ever-increasing cost of energy? Perhaps you are worried about the environmental effects of your home heating and want to make it more efficient?

Regardless of the reason, with our tips, you can manage your central heating system to ensure that it runs efficiently.  An efficient system is a cheaper system.

Tip 1: Read the Manual

I have lost count of the number of people I know but do not seem to understand how the central heating system works. For some reason, people never read the manuals that come with the boiler and radiators. 

It's probably because they weren't the people who installed the system in the first place and they've simply moved into the property once the central heating is already in place.

You must understand how your boiler works and how the thermostat functions. If you don't, it is highly likely that you are using the system in ways that are less efficient. The manufacturers will give you guides about how to get the most out of your radiators and boilers.

I recently bought some Reina radiators and reading the manual taught me about adjusting the convector fins to adjust heat distribution.  This is a new feature that I wouldn't have known about had I not read the manual.

Tip 2: Bleed the Radiators Regularly

You need to bleed your radiators at least every two months during the winter. A good way to tell if you need to bleed your radiators is to look at your boiler and see where the pressure is. Low pressure can be caused by air in the system.

Central heating systems that have too much air in them are inefficient. They work with water, so let go of the air.

Tip 3: Find the Optimum Temperature

People set their thermostats all over the place. Some people set it to 14 degrees Celsius, others to 25 degrees Celsius. Both of those are extreme. The ideal is between 18 degrees Celsius and 20 degrees Celsius. 

If you feel too cold try wearing a jumper before you put the heating off. Too many people think that they should be able to walk around in their t-shirts at home during the winter and so they turn the heating up far too high.  This is definitely a waste of energy.

Tip 4: Block Chimney's with a Specialist Balloon

Chimney places are often a source of cold during the winter. The air comes down the chimney and into the room when the fire is not running.

If you use your chimney face, and you don't want to block it off to prevent the air coming down, then you can buy an ingenious device called a chimney balloon. They are a fantastic choice.

Tip 5: Make Sure That Your Radiators Are the Right Size

Finally, many people install the wrong size radiator in their properties. If the radiator is too small for the room, it will never get to temperature properly. You are waste massive amounts of energy trying to heat the room. 

Whether you buy a high-quality radiator, such as Reina radiators, ensure that you get the right radiator, by using a BTU calculator.

Follow these tips and you'll soon find your home heating to be much more efficient.