Central heating systems and radiators are expensive, so it’s important to keep them in tip-top condition. On top of being expensive to buy, if they break, the damage can be extremely expensive – burst pipes cause serious problems.
Fortunately, as long as you take good care of your central heating system, you are likely to avert any such issues. Follow the six pieces of advice below and you will help to keep your system safe and free from problems.
1. Ensure you have high quality radiators and a boiler.
The better the quality of your radiators and boilers, the less likely they are to breakdown. Furthermore, if you buy a brand such as Reina radiators, you get a long warrantee, which in turn means that you can receive compensation if the radiators become damaged and it isn’t your fault.
2. Have your boiler serviced every year.
It is sensible to service your boiler once a year. You can find packages that allow you to pay a set amount a month for a single annual visit. For instance, we pay roughly £9 for an annual British Gas service.
3. Check your radiators every 6-months.
You should take a close look at each of your radiators every 6-months. Make sure that you bleed them if needed, and make sure that they do not show signs of rust or damage. Deal quickly with any issues you might find.
4. Have your radiators serviced every five to ten years.
It’s prudent to have your radiators serviced too, but they require less frequent servicing than the boiler does. Every five to ten years should suffice. The higher the quality of the radiators, the less frequent the service needs to be. For example, Reina radiators will only need servicing around once a decade.
5. Keep radiators clean and free of dust.
Dust can make your radiators less efficient, it can also lead to rust. Make sure that you clean your radiators frequently and that you get rid of any dust.
6. Make sure you set the radiators so that they come when the temperature approaches zero.
You must ensure that the central heating system comes on when the temperature approaches around 5 Celsius. You do not want the system to freeze as this can lead to burst pipes.
Are you interested in buying new radiators? If you are, please visit https://www.designerradiatorsdirect.co.uk/.