Friday, 7 March 2014

Why Older Styled Radiators Still Trump Modern Radiators

When it comes to home décor, the radiators that you choose are actually very important. They can change the whole feel of the room. Most people, when they renovate their homes, change their radiators, and when they do this, they often opt for modern styles. This is because they fit well with the contemporary décor. However, people should not be so quick to dismiss traditional radiators. A cast iron radiator, for instance, looks amazing – it fits well with a modern build, and in fact, is often the choice for builders when buying trade radiators, because they perform to an optimum standard and they look great. There are many other benefits too, and below, we’re going to look at some of the advantages of sticking to the more traditional styles of radiator; you may be surprised about what you learn.

Energy and Heat Output
You may assume that with new technology, they have improved the efficiency of radiators, but older styled radiators are equally, if not superior, to modern versions. Radiators are relatively simple, and they all work in a similar manner, so no matter what style you choose, there isn’t much difference between one and the other. A cheaper radiator may not last as long, but when it’s working properly, it will work well. Traditional radiators, though, are built to the manufacturing standards of the past, which are much higher than in our own times. This is because, today, manufacturing is all about building in redundancy – they want their radiators to fail, so that they can sell more. Clearly, this isn’t true of every manufacturer, but those that build to the higher standards sell their radiators at a premium: they’re expensive.

Because traditional radiators are built to a higher standard, they keep their efficiency much longer than newer styles. There are a number of ways in which this is apparent:

1.       They’re more airtight – you will not need to bleed the radiators as often as you would with a newer model.
2.       They’re made using higher-class material. Cast iron is an excellent material, and it is the material that is used most often in traditional radiators. In fact, it’s such a good material, that they still make radiators from cast iron, even today.

There’s something about traditional radiators that has a classic look. They are efficient, solid and incredibly attractive. The thing about classic styles of anything, whether clothes, furniture, cars, buildings, etc. is that they look beautiful. They have a style and grace that we simply can’t capture today – maybe it’s something to do with our fast-paced world, that we can’t devote the time to beauty, and that in the past, they had plenty of time to focus on creating beautiful goods. Either way, there are few styles today that can boast the beauty of the past.

Keeping Your Home Warm
Although older radiators are efficient, the home may not be. If you have older radiators because you live in an older home, then you may need to make a few changes to ensure that the home isn’t losing the heat that the radiator is generating. Make sure that you have good insulation in the walls. Place a reflective strip behind the radiator, so that the heat radiates into the room, rather than out of the room.

We hope that you not have a better understanding of the quality of older styles of radiator.

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