Monday, 5 October 2015

What Are The Benefits of Columned Radiators?

Column radiators are the oldest style of radiator. You might know them as tubular radiators, or as cast-iron radiators – although this latter term is not strictly accurate, given that cast-iron radiators are simply radiators made from cast iron.

You will often see column radiators in older properties, particularly Victorian and Edwardian period cottages and buildings. However, they continue to be popular today and this is because they afford many benefits that you cannot find with modern radiators. Whether you see these features as benefits is largely a matter of taste and practicality – what may benefit one household, may not benefit another.

Let’s look at these benefits. It is only by understanding these that you can know whether column radiators are the correct choice for you, or not.
1.    They have a greater surface area than other types of radiator. As such, they can produce more heat over a smaller plane.

2.    You gain wall space. However, they also stick out further than other radiators. So, while you gain wall space, you do lose some of the depth of the room. This is actually a non-issue, given that you should not be placing things in front of your radiator, regardless of whether they’re tubular or flat.

3.    You can extend the radiator or shorten it as required. You buy these radiators as columns. If you need more heat, you can add an extra column, or, if you need to produce less heat, you can remove a column. Adding and removing columns takes time and skill, but it’s much easier then replacing an entire radiator.

4.    They are much easier to clean than convector radiators. If you have convector radiators, then you will, no doubt, already be aware that they can collect dust in the fins. This dust is difficult to remove. While all radiators collect dust, column radiators are much easier to clean because the dust doesn’t become stuck in awkward places.

If you would like to buy column radiators, then please visit Designer Radiators Direct

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