Wednesday, 20 April 2016

How to Choose the Most Efficient Radiators

We are fortunate in the UK that our retail sectors are heavily regulated. This means that we are afforded many consumer rights. For this reason when shopping online, you should always make sure that you shop with a UK trade retailer. This will ensure that your products meet safety standards and that they are of a decent quality.

Here we are going to explore how to tell from product description whether a radiator is efficient or not. We are writing this article for a UK-based market, so if you’re retailer is based outside of the UK, the information might be inaccurate.

1.Radiators UK will be efficient if they have the appropriate BTU/hr reading for the size of the room. BTU/h stands for British Thermal Units per hour, and it is the rating that we give radiators in the UK. It tells you how much heat that radiator can produce in an hour. You match the BTU/hr to the size of the room and this ensures that the radiators will produce sufficient heat. Don’t worry about working this out for yourself; there are online calculators (called BTU calculators) to help you.

2.In the UK, many products come with an energy rating label. These labels run from D to A+++ (no idea why, because it means there are 4 A settings, and that’s confusing). You should choose a radiator with as high an energy label rating as possible. However, do bear in mind that radiators do not have to have this label, and that many do not.

3.Finally, in the UK, the best radiators have TRVs. These are thermostatic radiators valves, and they allow you to control the temperature of each individual radiator automatically. So, you set it to say, point 3, which equates to 15oC in comparison to your thermostat, and the TRV opens as it cools below 15oC and closes as it exceeds 15oC. This additional control means that your energy bills are much reduced.

If you would like further help and advice about choosing radiators in the UK, then please visit Designer Radiator Direct

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