Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Are Branded Radiators Worth the Extra Money?

We’re guessing that if you're reading this article, it’s because you want to buy some new radiators buy you're quite unsure about which radiator/s to buy. You will have noticed that, as with most retail items, there are premium branded radiators and then there are generic radiators. Today, we are going to discuss whether the branded radiators are worth the extra cost.

OK, so firstly, it’s important that you understand that the generic radiators are very good value for money. Radiators are a pretty solid buy and it’s rare to find low quality radiators. This means that in terms of functionality (i.e. do they keep you warm), there’s not much difference between generic and designer/branded radiators. If they have the same features, then they will generally have a similar performance. For example, 3-panel generic radiators would be as good as a 3-panel Reina radiators.

That isn't the end of the story, because yes, they might perform pretty much to the same level, there are a few things that will set the designer/branded radiators apart. Here are a few things to consider:

1.       The length of the warrantee/guarantee will generally be longer with the branded radiators. This is because they want to keep their customers happy for longer, or risk it affecting their reputation. When you buy generic radiators and they become damaged after 3 or 4 years, the owner isn’t going to be able to easily badmouth them because they aren't well known so it won’t stick in other people’s minds. However, with a brand such as Reina radiators, it would affect their reputation, and consequently sales. They don’t want this, so they offer a higher level of service.

2.       The look of the radiator is generally better with designer radiators. Again, they need to set themselves apart, and they do this by creating beautiful and/or unique looking radiators. If you have a look though the big brand catalogue, you'll notice that they all have radiators that could easily double as modern art. It’s great.

3.       You know what you're getting when you buy a branded unit. With generic radiators, it won’t be very easy for you to research the company to see how well they perform. You'll find it difficult to find reviews and to find people with experience of that particular radiator. With the branded radiators, you can find a lot of information and so be well prepared with what to expect should you choose to buy one.

So, generic radiators are as good as branded radiators. If cash and functionality are your main concern, then choose a generic brand. However, if you want that little bit of edge, go for a designer/branded radiator.

If you would like to browse a fantastic collection of both types of radiator, please visit

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